Monday, December 17, 2012

Okay, break's over.

Today, we begin again, school and work.  We've got 4H and the kid's Christmas party tomorrow.  Wednesday, choir, Thursday volunteering, Friday picking up oldest from airport, Saturday working and hopefully getting pictures of the kids made, Sunday performing the cantata at the nursing home then Monday is Christmas Eve.  Sometime in the midst of all that I've got to finish my shopping, take mom shopping,  finish my mother-in-law's shopping, get the house cleaned, organize, wrap and I don't know what all else.  Also, I have to work every day but Thursday and Sunday. 

We needed that break.  It had been a tiring and emotionally draining weekend.  The news from Connecticut upset me on Friday, but I had a concert to go to and other people depending on my to drive them, so I went.  It seemed kind of weird that they didn't cancel it, but it ended up being a good experience and better than staying home.  Then Saturday we were busy with the craft fair, etc from about 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. before I was done with work and things had settled down.  It's no wonder we crashed on Sunday is it?  

Anyway,  today we're right back at it.  Life goes on.   It's been a rough one today with the hospital I work for being way behind and the work flow personnel begging us to type more and more and more and the phone constantly interrupting, a thunderstorm temporarily turning the lights off and making me stop for a while, but I'm done now and I guess I'll take my mom shopping although I really just want to take another nap.

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