Sunday, December 16, 2012

A tiny break?

We've been running like chickens with our heads off for the past few days.    Thursday I was volunteering, then tried to do some Christmas shopping while I was in the big town but Hobby Lobby was closed.  Then, Friday, let's see, work then out to a Christmas concert and we didn't get home until 11 ish.  Then, yesterday, the craft sale and some Christmas shopping (we were at a mall, after all and also right across the street from Hobby Lobby).  We finally got home at about 7:00 p.m. and I realized that I had some supplies that I needed to get in town and so I headed to our local small town to get those necessities, finally getting home around 8 ish and then I still had to work.

Then this morning, we had church and we sang the cantata.  I'm exhausted now.  I tell you.  I am.  I probably should get some Christmas shopping done and I might.  Later.  Right now, I'm going to eat lunch and then take a nap, possibly or watch a movie.  Chill out for a while.  Then, later, if I feel like it, I'll shop.

 Update:  5:00 p.m.  No movie.  Just nap.  My daughter watched old reruns of the Dick Van Dyke Show from the 1960s and I watched a couple with her, then went to sleep and slept for several hours.  I do feel better.  I'm not sure I feel like shopping though.  :-/

1 comment:

  1. What movie are you watching? I need to do that myself.....while Clay watched football. ;-) He & I are going shopping tomorrow. We've got most everything done online this year.....except Michael.....he hasn't even really given us ANY ideas at all, so we are just gonna wing it with him. LOL
