Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tired, but kind of glad.

I'm tired from all the running for the past week and a half or so, glad I did all those things and now I am equally glad that I don't have to do much of anything for the next few days.  Whew.  Then next 4 or 5 days I don't have anything special written on my calendar (yes, I use an old fashioned paper calendar, not a device!).  I do have the usual stuff, choir practice, piano lessons. etc. but that's all.  I have nothing at all today except work and school and I may take a nap this afternoon.  I could use it.  

I'm also going to get started on my Christmas list and possibly even my Christmas shopping.  Okay, I have begun it.   I have already picked up a few things.  Okay, 3.  Three things.  Not too bad.  For me.  It's still November after all.  :-)

It was supposed to snow today, but it didn't. I'd kind of like to be able to use snow as an excuse to HAVE to stay home for a couple of days, you know?  It's harder with a 4 wheel drive truck at my disposal, but I might be able to pull it off. 

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