Monday, November 26, 2012

Okay, well.

I've kind of recovered a little from my busy week and my lack of sleep on Saturday.   I didn't do much of anything all day long and that helped.   Today, I've got Mom's Day Out with the homeschool group.  We go shopping and eat lunch and have dessert someplace and the dues that we pay to the group pay for it, so it feels like a free day out.  We go to Bath and Body Works and Hobby Lobby and the salvage store and a few other carefully chosen places, with coupons, and generally have a good old time.  I cleaned out my car last night so I could drive.  It gradually accumulates junk if I don't watch it.  Not as bad as when the kids were little, but still, we go and do so much that sometimes we just want to leave the stuff in the car and be done with it.  So that's the plan for today.  The older boy is safely back in Mississippi and starting classes today and the younger 2 are starting back to homeschool today.

My only drawback about today is that I won't get to go to the children's hospital and hold the babies.  :-(  

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