Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Okay, so Sunday was the day of rest I had hoped for.  I let the housework go then took a nap and then went over to see my mom and play Scrabble/Upwords.  Then yesterday I had my busiest day of the week.  I worked 6 hours at home at my medical transcription job and then went to the NICU for my volunteer job.  It's not as tiring now as it was at first.  The first time my arms were kind of sore from all the holding and patting of baby bums I was doing.  Now my arms are getting used to it.   I really love being there.  I feel useful and helpful and I'm so busy, I can't spend any time brooding on my own problems.  It's so therapeutic.  I so wish I could do it more often.  I may look into getting medical assistant training and going to work there after the kids are done homeschooling.  I don't really do that much in relation to the kids homeschooling though.  As I've mentioned before, they pretty much homeschool themselves.  We check their work kind of randomly to make sure that they're doing it and understanding it and we answer questions, but they get it done on their own.  I try to get all the curriculum so that it is addressed to the student and not assuming a teacher teaching a large class, and if you shop around, you can find these kinds of resources.   So that's my Tuesday update.  I'm back to real life today, typing and doing dishes and giving the dog his shot and lamenting about the house needing to be cleaned while at the same time, trying to think up excuses for not cleaning it ...

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