Sunday, October 28, 2012

Saturday Fun Stuff/Our week in photos.

Yesterday was the fall festival at our church.  We went out early to help set up and so we were involved in it for several hours.  It was fun, but tiring.  My youngest son had a plan that we dress as literary characters and he dressed as Rowan of Rin, my daughter dressed as Luna Lovegood and I dressed as Professor Trelawney.   We didn't really decorate our trunk for trunk or treat, but we made an obstacle course around it and when they finished the obstacle course, the kids got to fire a Nerf gun at a target which had numbers on it and that was how many treats they got.  I had kind of over-bought treats this year and I wanted to give them away, so at first the numbers on the target were 3, 6 and 9, but then our booth became so popular that everyone wanted to do it over and over again so we changed the numbers to 3, 2 and 1 and then finally, we just said, yes you can do the course and you can shoot the Nerf gun, but no more treats if you've already got some.  My kids had made a fun course that involved jumping lava and dodging yarn lasers so it was fun even without getting treats.  After a while, the kids were having my son time them to see how fast they could negotiate it.  It was cute.  After the fun and festivities we had a chili supper, which was delicious of course.  Then we came home, exhausted.  :-)    It's going to be a lazy day today, I hope.

Teaching textbooks has a funny malfunction this week.  It says that's exactly right!  Your answer 10.  Correct Answer 4.

Part of our obstacle course.

Me as Professor Trelawney (in the Harry Potter books)  I can't actually see out of the glasses so I had to keep taking them off.

The glow sticks on the ceiling fan after we came home.

lasers in the obstacle course (actually yarn).

4H class making felt owls.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! Laughing about the glasses. Alli found an old pair of my reading glasses that had cracked & the lens fell out. Well, she snatched them out of the trash & took the lens out of the other side & was wearing them all day yesterday. Just for the heck of it. I kept doing a double-take....seeing her in glasses.
