Thursday, July 26, 2012

No concrete ideas yet.

I haven't got any concrete ideas for reorganizing my blog yet.  I am still mulling it over.  I'm also mulling over our fall schedule and when we are going to start school.  The county schools here start next week and I hate to get behind them.  It feels bad to us when they get out and we are still doing school.  This year, we beat them by a couple of weeks.  We enjoyed that (even me) for some reason.  :-)  This week, we're keeping busy with VBS, choir, doctors and dentist appointments, etc.   Tonight, I finally did write my "Letter Of Intent To Homeschool" for this year, which is one of the few requirements that Kentucky has, thank goodness.  I am so glad that we don't have to conform to someone else's ideas about how to go about teaching and we can tailor what we do to how the kids learn best.  I'm kind of kicking around the idea of putting the kids in a co-op this year, to get us out of the house a little and do some socializing.  I always think about it, but this year, I think I might actually do it.  :-)

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