Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My thoughts as I read the carnival of homeschooling.

(when I should be working, but that's beside the point).  Here's the carnival link, its at The Common Room. 

I don't usually read the whole carnival every time.  There are always posts on how to keep little ones occupied while you are homeschooling and since I don't have little ones and even if I did, the big ones homeschool themselves, I don't have to worry about that.  Also, there are some odd posts every time, like an article called 10 ways to prepare your child for preschool.  I'm really  not sure what that's doing on a homeschooling carnival, but anyway.  There were 2 really great articles this time. 

This one:   How Kids Benefit from Chores.  My kids are going to benefit from some chores TODAY.  They are so lucky.

And this one:  Labeling Children as Gifted.  I think it's not really a good plan to label kids as gifted, ungifted, clumsy, graceful, smart, shy or anything, at least not as a permanent label.  Two of my kids were very shy as preschoolers and toddlers  (one still is) and I would say "He's feeling a little shy right now and doesn't feel like talking."  trying to explain to the other person why he wouldn't talk but also trying not to slap him with a 'shy for the rest of his life' label.  You know?


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