Sunday, July 29, 2012

I always say

that I don't need much, that I'm not going to spend much at the grocery, but I always do.  I did use some coupons today and that helped a little, but boy, groceries are expensive these days.  Especially, when your family is spoiled completely rotten.  We ought to go on beans and cornbread for a couple of weeks, then save up and take a vacation or something.  Of course, gluten free cornbread is a little expensive ... maybe rice?  Beans and rice.  Last week I also said I wasn't going to go to the grocery for about 9 days, but then my son ran out of his Lactaid milk, so I went.  I am really, really going to try and go to the grocery every 8 days.  That way I'll save some money anyway.  Going to the grocery every 8 days equals 45.62 times per year, so let's say 46 times per year as opposed to 52 times per year, so I'll go 6 fewer times a year.  I almost always spend about the same amount, so I think I can save money this way, if I don't overspend since it's been an extra day.  I really need to go back to the meal planning I was doing before.  It does help. 

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