Thursday, June 07, 2012


I'm probably one of very few people in the world who looks forward to Thursday every week.  It's my day off work!  Yay!  Today I'm going to do all kinds of exciting things, like going to the grocery and the credit union and cleaning and going to see my mom, but not, and this is very important, typing any echocardiograms, cardiac catheterizations or knee replacement surgeries.  :-)  I will probably also work on my Cafepress store.  My son showed me how to make transparent designs, so I'm going to make some dark colored T shirts for my store.  It might be weird, but I'm excited about that.  My son is also going to work on translating my book on going gluten free into a PDF so I can upload it to Kindle.  My efforts to convert the Word file have not went well.  I can do some computer things, but not all. 

I guess I'd better get going.  Have a great day everyone. 

Aren't you just so glad it's Thursday? 


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