Tuesday, June 05, 2012

4H needlework club.

The girl had needlework class today and they worked on the crochet mats that they are making for the homeless.  A lot of the kids hadn't been able to remember how to proceed once they'd gotten home and the regular teachers weren't all that sure how to proceed either (we had a guest teacher last month, my mother-in-law and we should have asked her to come back today and help, but we forgot.  :-(  )  So the next best person to teach it was my daughter.  She walked in with her half completed mat, every row straight and perfect.  I was very proud of her.  Everyone wanted/needed  her help and she was going all around the room showing everyone how to do it.   It's a big step for such a shy child, a kid who just learned to crochet herself a year ago.

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