Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer schooling.

Okay, we are not doing a formal summer school study.  We never do.  We just go ahead and take the summer off from school.  However, kids don't stop learning.  You can't make them.  This week, my youngest has been reading the almanac and the atlas, listening to audio books, working on his tree house (mostly in his head, very little actual outside work in the hot, hot sun!).  My daughter has been crocheting and doing a little math to see how many rows she needs to do each day to get it done by July 2.  Apparently 5 rows a day.  I know it's not much math, but it is a little.  Plus, she and I have been working on tiling our floor, which has got to be good for spacial reasoning or something.  We've been swimming, which should count as PE.  My daughter wants to do the Presidential Active Lifestyle award thing again this year.  My oldest son is getting an education in REAL LIFE at his first job and he seems to be doing fine with it, although I miss him.  I started to put lactose free milk in the mashed potatoes and then I thought, he never gets to eat with us anymore anyway, so why bother.  Yes, it is odd to miss a kid's special dietary needs, but there you are.  I do.  I went ahead and made them with the Lactaid milk, just in case he wants some later.  It is the weekend coming up so we may get to see him a little bit.  

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