Saturday, June 23, 2012


It's calling me.
My goodness it's hot today.  Our air conditioning is acting up again.  It's about 85 in here.  That's probably not really all that hot by normal standards, but when you are spoiled rotten to central air it's hot.  If I EVER get done with work today I am going to get in the pool, but I despair of ever getting done.  I overslept this morning and then my sons were doing a lot of talking this morning and the phone rang several times, then the dog had a reaction to his insulin and between all those interruptions, I'm only a little more than halfway done at 4:00 p.m..  It's going to be a long, long day.  Actually, it already has.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could get our pool to look as beautiful & inviting as your does!! Ours is still green with pine needles in it : (
    If you decide to read "Wild" just skip over the part about the mom passing (she died of cancer) like I did, there is only one other part about a horse that is really sad the rest of the book is really good : )
