Sunday, May 20, 2012

What do you do-ooh-ooh.

With the extra Klondike bars in a package when there are 4 people in your family who can eat them and 6 in the package?  They've been on sale for the past 2 weeks, so we had to buy them and then we have this dilemma.  Last week, we had a drawing to see which 2 of us got 2 and this week, the other 2 get to have 2.  This is my week and I'm very excited.  :-)

One time, a long time ago my brother in law stopped by just as we were trying to decide who got the last Klondike bar in the package (before my oldest son went completely lactose free) and we gave it to him.  I told him that he pretty much saved us from having to fight to the death over it.  :-P


  1. See... I would have cut them all in half and had 12! LOL! My mom always teases me because I cut stuff in half all the time. She will buy those Popsicle that are in the plastic tube (which I ALWAYS cut in half) and tell me I am not allowed to cut the ones she buys. The kids love having a whole one, even though they end up dropping half of it. ROFL!!

  2. That is a good idea. Why didn't we think of that? :-)
