Saturday, May 19, 2012

Today, Sunday.

I don't think I've got the summer cold that everyone else in the family has had this past week, but I've got something.  My back hurts and I have a fever and I feel really pretty bad.  Everyone else had a sore throat and a cough. Joy.

I'm adding another art blog to my sidebar.  Go and check out some of the blogs there.  There are some really cool ones.  The one I'm adding tonight is Art with Mr. E.  It has a lot of fun art projects to do with kids.  I'm planning an art night for the kids at church so that's why I'm looking at so many art blogs.  Next month, I'll be doing a craft night and a RAOK (random acts of kindness) night and I'll try and show you some of the links to things I'll be using. 

For the art night, we'll be doing a mural from Art Projects for Kids. 
and playing this game Rainbow Tag.
and we might make some of these fun snacks. 

Doesn't that sound like fun?

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