Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Today, we've got 4H.

I'm excited about the lessons we are going to do today.  We're going to make terrariums and then if there is any time left over, which I suspect there will, I'm going to make the kids do a drawing of some sort.  They can enter several different things in the county fair and one of them is a drawing.  I've been to Art Projects for Kids and got some good drawing instructions.  If you haven't visited that site, you should.  I also looked at ton of fun terrariums on Pinterest.  There are some really cute ones.  If you go there, be careful.  I don't consider Pinterest to be family friendly although it is quite fun, sometimes you'll see something you didn't really want to see.  I'm not sure how the kids will do with the terrariums, because some of them tend to just rush through things, but we'll see.  I'll post pics later. 

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