Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Not much today.

My mom's dog Tinker, poor little funny looking thing.  :-)
We did not do a whole lot today.  I worked, but while I was working, I developed one of those excruciating pounding headaches that make it hard to concentrate.  I finally got done, but it was kind of rough.  After I worked, I put a warm washcloth on my eyes and laid down for a while.  That made the headache abate somewhat but it didn't go away completely.  After my nap, my daughter and I went to the library briefly and then to my moms house, where I beat her at 2 games of UpWords.   The headache finally stopped in the middle of the first game, thank goodness. 

Youngest son begged to play on his computer this morning, when it wasn't screen time and I said no and so he played Legos while listening to Ranger's Apprentice for most of the day.  I am still glad we set the screen time limits and have stuck to them.  Otherwise, all he would do would be play video games, all day, every day.

The girl has been reading all day.  The big boy has been sleeping all day because he works the night shift.  It's almost 8:00 p.m. and he just got up.  He's got the cold that has been running through the house.  It's funny, when I was actually typing the word cold, I sneezed.  I hope that doesn't mean I'm getting it. 

I can't share pics of the terrariums because my daughter won't upload them from her camera to the computer so I can access them.  Someday she will, I'm sure and then I will share. 

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