Friday, May 11, 2012

Scary moments.

Today when my daughter and I came home from the guitar lesson and the grocery, we couldn't find my youngest son anywhere.  We searched the house, went outside and yelled very loudly and got no response.  I called my husband to ask if he'd picked him up.  He hadn't.  What seems in retrospect like 15-20 panicky minutes went by with us yelling and searching.  I was just about to call 911 and report a missing child when he came walking around the end of the house.  We've got one of those houses with no windows on either end and he was at the far end, away from the driveway, playing in the dirt, with his noise cancelling headphones on, listening to Ranger's Apprentice.  He sure did give us a scare though.  He's been told not to have the headphones on outside, out of sight of the house.  In his opinion, since he could see the house right there next to him, he did nothing wrong.  We may need to say that he needs to be able to be seen from the house, not see the house, if you know what I mean.  He did apologize later for scaring me.


  1. So glad you found him quickly! It is good that he realized he scared you. He'll be a lot more careful not to do that again. I'd be he'd be more worried about not scaring you than getting himself hurt or in a bad situation.

    Happy Mother's Day!

  2. How scarry for you all!! Glad it all worked out okay, now a days you never know...
