Friday, May 11, 2012

The last day of school.

The kids have been working mostly on math this week.  They've had to go back and correct any of the lessons where they scored less than 80.  I gave them a break on writing, mostly because the girl is sick and she begged and begged not to have to do writing.  I really think they are doing more than the public school kids would do on their last day or so.  For last days of school when I was a kid, I remember field days, sitting around, watching TV, movie day and stacking chairs and tables.  We went out and cleaned out the gutters yesterday.  Do you think that counts for anything?  Probably not.  We did it in addition to school, not instead of school, anyway.

While we finish up here today, enjoy these pictures of my mom's garden.    My daughter took all of these Wednesday.

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