Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday Stuff.

Today I am better.  I have gotten over (maybe) turning my advanced age, the roof is not leaking today because it's not raining and I'm getting better at giving Max his shots.  I guess.  I'm getting it done anyway.   Max doesn't mind if you poke him with a needle so that's a good thing.  I have not done any random acts of kindness.  I was out at the store today and just didn't think about it, but I am putting it on the agenda for this week.  I'll celebrate my birthday by giving to others and I'll report back.  Yesterday something kind of funny happened.  My youngest son finally got me with an April fools trick that he set up on April fools day, but I just got caught with it yesterday.  He took a pen and somehow modified it so that it had 2 blunt ends and no writing tip.  Then he put a cap on it.  Yesterday I was watching something on my computer and wanted to write something down and I picked up the pen and was confused for a second.  Then I had to laugh.  I said "I think someone got me." and he said "finally."  :-)

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