Saturday, April 21, 2012

Better now.

Sorry about my whining this morning.  I am already better.  My brother is bringing pizza for dinner, my kids have baked me a cake and made me a chocolate cheese ball.  :-).  Chocolate always helps.  I still haven't done any random acts of kindness, but I'm not ruling it out for later today.  I did prepare a happy mail surprise for someone and I need to mail that.   I need to put my mind to more nice things I can do.  :-)


  1. Well, Happy Birthday, my friend!! Hope you have had a wonderful day after all!!

  2. Happy Birthday! Your post made me think of that song - It's my party and I'll cry if I want to or something like that. Heck it's your birthday you can complain a little if you want.
    I hope all your Birthday wishs come true : )
