Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm not cooking officially today, as we are going to my mother-in-law's house for dinner.  However, that said, I am baking 3 pies, cooking a chicken and making stuffing.   My mom-in-law asked her daughter-in-laws to handle dessert this year so the kids and I went to the store last night and got the last 2 pumpkin pies.  One is a Mrs. Smith's and one is a Marie Callendar.  One cooks in 75 minutes and the other cooks in half an hour at a different temperature and I only have 1 oven so somehow I'm going to have to coordinate that.  They don't need to be served warm, do they?  I have no idea.  As to the other pie, it's going to be a gluten free, crustless sweet potato pie using this recipe.  This is for me and my son, who is also gluten free.  I find that now that he has joined me on my gluten free diet, I work harder.  I probably wouldn't make a whole pie just for me.   The chicken is in the crock pot right now.  I wanted to have real broth and should have saved some in the freezer from the last time I cooked chicken but I didn't, so I'm cooking a chicken this morning for the stuffing.   The stuffing is going to be made from Pamela's gluten free cornbread mix, which I baked last night and will crumble up today.   It's only 8:30 a.m, but I feel that I should get busy.

Even if it's not Thanksgiving where you live, take a minute and appreciate what you have today!

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