Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday.

I did not venture out shopping any time overnight.  I worked this morning and then went to Lowe's where they had floor tiles on sale and got flooring for my kitchen.  I'm very excited about finally getting that done.  Not excited enough to work on it tonight or anything, but excited.  We had our first of 2 Thanksgiving celebrations yesterday and it was very nice.  I married into a very nice family.   Then Sunday, we will have the dinner with my mom, brother and aunt.  That will also be low key and nice.  We'll probably play some UpWords after we eat a delicious meal.  We're such partiers.  :-)  I'm really getting better at the gluten free cooking.  My stuffing this year was so, so good.  I made rolls that were kind of okay and some really good gravy.  That was my first attempt at gravy, so I was really proud it turned out so good.  well.  yummy.  :-P     I also made a crust free sweet potato pie for my son and I and I don't know about him, but I really enjoyed it.  I don't miss the crust at all.

Today, we put up the Christmas tree and we were going to have a Christmas movie marathon tonight, but we couldn't really find any of them.  I'm afraid we packed away the Christmas DVDs last year in a special place so and now no one remembers where they are.  I don't know where they could be.   We may have to check all of our old favorites out of the library.  We like to watch Home Alone 1 and 2, The Santa Clause 1, 2 and 3 and Elf.  The kids watched "How to Eat Fried Worms" tonight and I started to watch it with them, but I changed my mind not too far in.  That is not my style at all. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, we love the Home Alone movies too & we also watched part of Elf on TV last between cleaning up in the kitchen & cleaning behind the girls as they decorated. ;-)
