Monday, September 19, 2011

This Monday and Last Monday.

We're trying to get back into our being at home groove and today we start back to school  and my husband has to go back to work, although I started back to work on Saturday.   The vacation we took last week from Monday to Friday was the longest one we have ever taken.  Most of the time, we only go 1 state away and we only stay 2 nights.  This time we went 3 states away and stayed for 4 nights.  This time last week, I was having my "what-in-the-world-are-are-we-doing?" moment, when I was thinking about sharing a car, hotel rooms and only 1 bathroom with my family.  My oldest son couldn't decide it he wanted to go or not and I was just ready to call the whole thing off, if it wasn't for that whole thing about it being nonrefundable .... anyway, we went.  The first day, we drove to Birmingham, Alabama, directly to the McWane Science Center.  We were able to visit there for free because we have a local science center membership.  We really enjoyed it.  The things I enjoyed most were stepping into a hurricane simulator which simulated 80 mph winds without really realizing what it was - I just stood there and laughed at myself.  Luckily I was able to keep in my contact lenses in my eyes, though I felt that they might fly out!  Then my sons did a pretend weather forecast with a green screen and I laughed at them trying to point at the right place on the map, by looking at the monitor.  This was a great place for playing and pretty much all of the exhibits said "please touch".  That's the best kind of museum.  Everyone in our family likes to play.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that you guys had a nice vacation! The museum sounds like a lot of fun!!
