Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Last Tuesday and This Tuesday.

Last Tuesday, we woke up in Birmingham and drove to Destin, Florida.  I kind of enjoyed this part of the ride because the view outside the windows was changing.  There were pine trees like the ones  I remember from my cousin's house in Georgia from visiting there when I was a kid, the ones with the long needles and big pine cones. We don't have those here, so I kind of felt like I was going down memory lane.  We stopped and bought some peaches but those were kind of disappointing, not as good as I remember fresh peaches from my childhood.  Soon after that, it seems, we started seeing palm trees.  My daughter had been so excited to see a palm tree IRL.  Finally, we reached the coast and the kids got to see the ocean for the first time.  The gulf coast at crystal beach did not disappoint.  It was beautiful.  They do not exaggerate when they say the crystal clear waters and the sugar white sands. 

Today, we've got 4H and we are going to make fall tea light lanterns out of jars and tissue paper.  I'm going to go to my mom's house to do my medical transcription work in a few minutes and hope that the kids get moving pretty early this morning so they can be done with school by 4H, which is at 3.  Yesterday, someone was still doing school work at 10 p.m.   So, we're back to real life now.  :-)


  1. OMG....I wish I could've stowed away in your trunk or something....that beach looks amazing & it's been SO long since we last went. Alli was 4....which means that was 8 years ago. YIKES!

  2. We were very close to you all last week. You were at the beach in Destin, and we were at Pensacola although we weren't hitting the beach. Instead we were attending my MIL's funeral.

  3. Oh how I love a pine forest! I can smell it just thinking about it!

    Glad you had such a nice trip.
