Monday, September 12, 2011

Speed reading?

I read on someone's blog that they were teaching their kids to speed read.  I took a speed reading class in college and did very well with it.  I don't know if it helped me get through college because I have no idea how I would have done without it, but I think I was doing okay prior to it, if you know what I mean.  Now, I feel like I read books too fast.  I would like to be able to savor them more. I think.  Maybe I'd like to be able to turn this skill on and off or dial it up and down?  I think if I had it to do over, I wouldn't take the speed reading course.  :-P


  1. We're teaching the kids to speed read - but for us, it's almost a matter of need though because of the way that they learn (very visual & similar to dyslexic)- it's easier for them to make it into a movie in their head. Plus, if you start young enough, they can develop a photographic memory....pretty cool.

    BUT, I'm going to keep your comments in mind and if they tell me that they don't like the way it works, we're going to STOP since it sounds like you're saying that you can't ever "undo" it, right? so, glad you posted your experience! :-D

  2. I was a person who enjoyed reading prior to this, was not dyslexic and had no problems 'making a movie' in my head, so I did not have the same learning style as your kids. They sound like my youngest son and I am learning so much about different learning styles while trying to teach him. I can't rule out anything that might help him in the future so I may even end up pursuing this in the future for him.

    Yeah, you can't ever go back.

  3. Kids will love reading books if we teach them certain tips to improve their study skills.Speed reading class will help them to capture more content with limited period of time.
