Friday, September 09, 2011

Helping in a tiny little good deed.

A year or so ago I got an email in one of my homeschool email groups that someone was looking for a small dog.  I got in touch with the lady I know who rescues dogs, the one from whom we got Freckles a few years back and asked her if she had any dogs available.  She had one, a little Jack Russell named Fritz.  I forwarded her email back to the family who was looking for a dog and I never heard another thing about it, until today.  The lady who was looking for a dog a year ago, was cleaning out her old emails, found mine and sent me a note today thanking me, because Fritz has been part of their family for a year now and they really enjoy him.  Isn't that kind of cool and wasn't it nice of her to let me know that it all worked out? 

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure that was a nice surprise in your inbox! I know that on those rare occasions that I get a "personal" email in my inbox, it just makes my day - it's almost as good as getting a real letter in the mailbox :)

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