Thursday, May 12, 2011

Twelve Days.

We've got 12 days of school left this year, as my grandma used to say, "Lord willing and the creek don't rise."   That is, if we can avoid the flu, strep, ear infections and the like.  What this means is, that really we need to decide whether to have a graduation party of some sort for my oldest son.  The tradition in my mom's side of the extended family is to have a big party for graduation, serve a huge meal and invite everyone, uncles, aunts, grandparents, first cousins once removed, etc.  My son doesn't want to have such a big deal so we may just take him out to eat or just have a smaller scale version at home.  At some point in the next 12 days, we should probably discuss this.  Today, I've got the day off from work so I will be working on the house this morning (if I ever start, but, hey, blogging comes first,right? Priorities!) and then this afternoon, I've got to take my oldest son out to the local retirement community where he is doing 10 hours of volunteer work so that he can qualify to go to youth group camp this summer.  He's been washing windows for the elderly residents who are responsible for cleaning the windows, but most of them are not physically able to do it.  They all think he's wonderful and that he cleans like "Mr Clean".  Unfortunately, we don't see much evidence of that here at home, but maybe there's hope for him yet. 

You might have noticed that I added a new link to my blog over in the sidebar. It's for  Free Homeschooling 101 and she has got a TON of great links there.  I've tried to do things like this a couple of times, but it is a lot of work to find sites and link them.  Look in the sidebar, she's got links to Free Biology, Free Chemistry, Free Physics, Free Unit Studies .. the list goes on and on and on.  Bookmark this so you can share it with people who wonder if they can afford to homeschool in this horrible economy.  Who doesn't love free stuff? 

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