Friday, May 13, 2011

I think

that during it's difficulties, Blogger has deleted at least one of my blog posts.  Being me, of course, I have no idea what it was about so I can't really replace it.  They said on their blog that they were going to replace it, but they haven't yet.  It may wind up above this one and be really confusing, but I guess we'll see.  Oh wait, I remember it now!.  It was about how we only have 12 days left of school this year.  Now it's 11, counting the rest of today. Another year down.  It's been smoother than most, I think, because everyone's growing up and taking more responsibility for their own work and not whining so much. 

Speaking of smoothness, I have not had a smooth day at work today.  Somehow the IP address settings got messed up and I couldn't transmit my work.  I've got it going now but it's 5 o'clock in the afternoon and I'm still working.  I'm almost done though.  Finally. 

In addition, on the other blog post that was lost, I had a link to this site, Free Homeschooling 101.  The archives on this site are wonderful so go and check it out.  There's a ton of stuff there. 

1 comment:

  1. I was having a terrible time with blogger also.... Glad it is back up & running again : )
    Wow, it sure is getting close to your sons graduation! Does he have plans for next year?
