Sunday, May 22, 2011


We always have this dilemma on Sunday afternoons - what to do?  Since my days off are Sunday and Thursday, Sunday is the only day of the week my husband and I have off together.  Consequently, we have about a million things we need to do but we also need to have family time on these days.  Because of his work schedule, we can't really have family meals together on the other days of the week.  We usually end up having a "what do you want to do" kind of conference and sometimes we waste half of our day trying to decide what to do.  :-(


Update:   We decided to all do something useful around the house and got quite a few things done and then we went out to eat and then came home and watched Mythbusters together.  It turned out to be fun.  I like the recommendation that we write down some ideas for when we can't think what to do.  That will help for next time.  


  1. maybe make a list of 5 or so fun, not usual activities that you all would like to do and then at the times when you start the "what do you want to do" conference you can just pick something from that list.

  2. In addition to church we'll often play board games as a family, go for walks, have dinner at my parents and have friends over for dinner. We try to have friends over at least once a month, because it forces us to clean the house. :-)
