Saturday, May 21, 2011

The second, dare I say it, sunny day in a row?

At this very moment, it is sunny again.  There is a chance of scattered thunderstorms today but I'm hoping that they are scattered very far and wide indeed and don't hit anywhere near here.  Selfish, I know, but I am so, so, tired of rain.  The last couple of days it has been so nice, being able to get outside and get things done in the garden.  I have a feeling that once these spring rains clear out entirely we are going to have a hot, dry summer.  Probably we'll be worried about a drought by August.  But then, that's life isn't it? With the sun out, I'm starting to think about some summer-y things.  I'm thinking about going to the pool, putting our pool up, summer cleaning, a summer adventure list, vacation.  I like summer. 

1 comment:

  1. Same here....we FINALLY have some sun after a week of rain. I had definitely had enough of the rainy days & have been thoroughy enjoying the sun. But like you said, I have this feeling that SUMMER is here now. Oh well, that's good....I need some down time now that graduation is over before I turn around & have to move my next one off to college. *sigh* We've got classes all picked, dorm & room-mates assigned....just need to buy books & do some school shopping now. How are things going with your college child?
