Tuesday, May 03, 2011


It's no secret that I have done too much multitasking over the years.  I often am reading, watching TV, surfing the internet and playing a computer game at the same time and yes, I have read a bunch of things lately that indicate that this is not a good idea.  It's probably too late though.  I haven't read anything that says that unitasking for a few years will reverse the effects of years of multitasking. I guess I could try?  Anyway, I'm saying all this to explain that I have a bunch of different things on my mind today and I'm going to blog about a bunch of different things.

Rain.  My husband was telling me this morning that we've had over 24 inches of precipitation this year.  Is that crazy or what?   I have absolutely no idea what to do about my garden this year.  We have some seedlings started.  Should I just go out in the rain and transplant them or wait until it stops.  Will it ever stop or should we start building arks? 

Today. I took off work today because I have to take my daughter to the spine center.  At her well child check, it showed that she had scoliosis so today we're going to go find out what the treatment will be.  I'm praying its an easy fix at the physical therapy center and that she doesn't have to wear a back brace.

Degrees.  I saw on a google alert that Tennessee is thinking of relaxing their homeschool laws so that parents who do not have college degrees can homeschool.  I wasn't even aware that this was a law, because thankfully, I don't live in Tennessee.  My husband and I do have degrees and since he's gotten his in the last 10 years, his probably helps him quite a bit with the math teaching that he has to do.  Mine, I got right out of high school and I've got to say, I do not think it helps me very much.  Occasionally, when I'm trying to explain things like chemical equations, a few things do come back, but most of the time, not really.  They also said that they would allow parents to hire tutors to teach skills that the parents don't know.  When did hiring tutors for your kids come to be something that the government needs to control?  If my husband didn't teach algebra 2, I can assure you, we'd be hiring a tutor for that.  :-D   If we hadn't found DVDs that teach guitar, we'd hire a tutor for that. 

Backache.   Still here.  :-(

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