Monday, May 02, 2011

Backache and already May!

I hate to do a blog post about my backache on my homeschooling blog, but really, it's all I can think about today and pretty much yesterday too.  I had all kinds of plans of the things I was going to get done yesterday and did not do any of it, I mainly just felt sorry for myself because my back hurt and of course, chauffeured the kids around.  Today my back is even worse, and its starting to make me just a BIT crabby.  It doesn't help that I have to work and it's Monday.  :-P.  The kids are better though.  Several days of antibiotics have helped the ear infections, so they'll be doing school today.  It looks like we are going through the end of May after all.  Oh well, that's pretty normal.  I'm trying to decide a few things about what we'll be doing next fall, homeschooling only 2 students.  It's going to be different.  :-( 

I can't believe that it's already May 2nd and I can't believe I've got a kid graduating this year.  It all has happened so quickly!  There's a song that plays on the radio station I listen to that goes like this and it kind of sums up how I feel lately:

It happens in a blink
It happens in a flash
It happens in the time it takes to look back
I try to hold on tight, but there's no stopping time
What is it I've done with my life
It happens in a blink.


  1. I love that song! Hope you start feeling better.

  2. Yep, that song about sums it up. At least I'll still have 3 at home.
