Monday, May 30, 2011

It begins.

The summer work and then fun.  We're going to try and mix them up a bit, but we have quite a bit of work we need to do and that really does need to come first.  We've got to get the house repaired and refinanced.  That is the absolute #1 priority.  We also want to get it decluttered, spring cleaned and get the laundry shelves out of the living room (yes, they are still there!)    After we get that done, then we will feel like we can be hospitable again and consider the possibility that the kids could have some friends over.  They've been asking and I've been saying no for several months now.  :-(   
This past weekend, though was relaxation time for the kids. The only instruction that went on was the continued instruction on driving that I'm giving the oldest.  I do think I might have a few more gray hairs than I did before this started, but he's getting there.  We practiced parallel parking yesterday.  We found a deserted parking lot.  He'd park the Suburban (no easy feat!) and then one of his siblings would get out and walk the parking lines so he could see how close he was to getting in them.  He's not ready to try between actual parked cars yet.  I've been working on preparing his transcript from my high school records and I think I've finally got everything on there.  I need to have a brief consult with Dad about it before I type up the final one. 

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