Sunday, May 29, 2011

Did you hear it?

My daughter said when she finished school on Friday she went outside and yelled "Yay summer!"  We really only have 1 neighbor who could've potentially heard her and I don't know if they did, but it's the thought that counts, not who hears it, right?  Anyway, we're officially on summer break now.  My daughter and I went on our first of the summer adventures yesterday, but it didn't really work out all that well.  We wanted to go to a U-PIck strawberry patch but we didn't want to go to the one we usually go to because it's almost an hour away, so I found a closer one on the internet and we went to it.  Unfortunately, it was closed, so we ended up going to a couple of yard sales and to then to Target. It didn't turn out to be exactly like we planned, but it was pretty fun anyway.  

Today, we were talking about various things and my youngest asked me, if I could change the geography of the world,what would I do.  I said I'd make myself an island to live on.  He said he'd exchange the names of Iceland and Greenland because they seem to be backwards.  :-)

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