Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Some days.

I really, really don't want to work.  I have a hard time concentrating.  This is one of those days.  I went to the library and got a bunch of books to read last night.  I've already finished one of them but I brought another one to work with me and it's pulling me, trying to get my attention away from what I'm supposed to be doing.  Then, there's blogger and since I'm typing a blog post, you can see that blogger is currently winning the war for my attention.  There's also Facebook and G-mail.  I went on Facebook and discussed storms and a couple of other things with some people this morning.  I went on G-mail and arranged a supper date with my cousin so we can catch up tonight while the kids are at youth group.  Also today I got distracted by someone else's blog post, the second one I've seen about a DVD called How the States Got Their Shapes.  So, I went looking on Netflix to see if they had it and they didn't.  So then I looked on the Freshwater Fred Lending Library to see if they had it and they don't either, but they do have some very interesting new things so I had to linger there for a couple of minutes.  Honestly, it's a wonder I ever get anything done! I need to FOCUS.


  1. This is exactly how I feel today. Except I have had this feeling since our Easter weekend! I hope it got better for you. I have high hopes for tomorrow:)

  2. ...and now you are reading comments! LOL!

    Have a GREAT day.

  3. Yes, now I'm reading comments!
