Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's still raining ...

I saw on Facebook that the tornado sirens went off last night here in our town.  We're actually several miles outside the town itself and I heard nothing.  I slept like a teenager all night.  We don't have regular network TV, and only have 3 or 4 obscure channels that no-one has ever heard of and the easily accessible weather reports are something I miss.  We do have one channel that probably has weather, but we've just gotten out of the habit of watching the TV and so we don't turn it on.  Before we went to bed last night, it was a quiet evening, so I didn't even think about severe weather.  I don't know what I would have done differently if I had known.  We don't have a basement.  Probably I would have just went to bed as usual anyway. 

In other news, another virus has made its way into our family.  :-(  My daughter felt tired and "lazy" all day yesterday and last night when she took her temperature, it was 102.  Joy.   I sincerely hope no one else gets it and that she bounces back quickly.  We'll see if she feels like doing school today.  I am starting to lose hope that we'll be done in late May ...

1 comment:

  1. Praying that she feels better real soon & that no one else gets it!!
