Friday, April 01, 2011

Getting things done and having a little fun.

We finally got the dining room wall finished and it looks okay.  You can kind of tell that the people who did it have never done anything like that if you know what I mean.  My daughter and I did it she's good with the level and the saw and the measuring tape but neither one of us is all that good at painting.  Nonetheless, it's as good as it is going to get with 3 coats on it.  I'll share pictures someday.  I know where the camera cord is now, but now our rechargeable battery supply seems to be low on charged ones so once we get some batteries charged, I share a photo.  It's a complicated process you know?

Anyway, I've been giving some thought to homeschooling and I have decided that next year, I'm just going to give up and send the kids to public school.  I just don't want to fool with it anymore.   And speaking of fooling with things, April Fool to you.  We're not quitting homeschooling we love it. :-) I've been pranking the kids this morning before they wake up, putting food coloring in the milk, stuffing the toes of their shoes with pillow fluff so they will feel like they don't fit, putting balloons in the kitchen cabinet which will hopefully cascade out when they open it and messing around with the auto correct on someones computer so now it will type ha ha ha every time she types "the".  I enjoy April Fool's day.   I'm enjoying the April Fools pranks I've seen on the internet this morning.  Google's got one on their home page and so does Snique Away.

For some fun printable pranks like word finds that don't have the right words in them see this site. 

1 comment:

  1. Funny! I like the auto correct one and will have to try that sometime. I knew you would not stop homeschooling! I can tell how much you like it.

