Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kind of a tiring day.

I had to get up early (for me) and work 2 hours, then take my mom to the pain clinic and wait there with her for 3 hours and then come home and work 2 more hours.  The pain clinic has been good for my mom's back but I so, so hate going in there.  The waiting is just mentally exhausting for some reason.  Knowing that we will be there several hours for a 2 minute talk with a doctor and a 2 minute procedure, just makes me mad.  If I could just let go of my annoyed-ness and calmly wait, it would be better.  Fortunately, I was reading a book and had another one ready for when I finished the first one, so I had something to do.  I was really tired and cranky when I got home though.  I took a nap and now I feel better. 

The kids were pretty much done with all their schoolwork when I got home, even the youngest, which was a nice surprise. 

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