Friday, April 08, 2011

Good one.

I had a pretty nice day today.  I had to spend the morning typing vascular surgeries which is not my favorite, but survived it and then after an uneventful afternoon, went for a Mom's night out with the other homeschool moms.  After our dinner out, we did a little shopping, so it was a very nice evening.  While I was working this morning and while I was out with the homeschool moms, I finished up the Easter shopping.  Its not a big deal like Christmas, but we usually get the kids one small gift and some candy, which has to be bought when I'm not with them, so it takes a little effort and/or planning.

I can't believe how quickly the end of this school year is coming!   Very soon, it will be over and we'll have our first homeschool graduate.  It's a little scary!  

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