Monday, April 11, 2011

Counting the days.

According to my current calculations, we only have 31 days of school left this year.  It seems crazy for us, but really since the school year started, we've not had any big breaks.  We took a Christmas break but we went right up until almost Christmas day before we stopped.  I've learned something in all these years of homeschooling - what a good thing momentum is and what a difficult thing it is to get started again after a break.  I'm going to switch some things around a little bit.  I've already told my oldest son that he needs to drop some things, like guitar and concentrate on finishing other things like his novel study and Spanish before the end of the year.  I can't believe how quickly it is coming.  I think we may go with a small, at home graduation party for him since he doesn't want the huge one, and therefore, I am going to need some other people around here to maybe get their construction work done?  (hint, hint or nag, nag, whichever you choose to call it!) 

1 comment:

  1. We're wrapping things up too. I promised Violet we'd be done by May 20th, but there's still I'd like to get done first. There never seems to be enough time.

    Do you have any favorite resources on homeschooling high school and writing transcripts? Violet's going to be old enough before I know it and I've started to read ahead and get some ideas. I'd love any recommendations you have.
