Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Yucky Day.

My oldest son got his wisdom teeth out today.  He says that this is way worse than when  he had his tonsils out and way, way worse than his ankle surgery.  He's completely miserable, still bleeding, can't stand to open his mouth, etc.  I assume, though, that the recovery will go faster than his ankle surgery last year, I mean, nothing has ever went slower than that.  The rest of us are okay.  I took off work today because of the surgery, but the younger kids are still doing school.  They're going to be way ahead of him days-wise, but it can't be helped.  We almost had a wreck on the way home when someone backed out in front of us, but we didn't thanks to my quick use of the horn to get them to look up and stop and the brake and a quick swerve.  I'm glad my reflexes were working well, because I was tired.  I managed to go to Kroger 3 times today (before surgery to get mushy foods, then after surgery to drop off the prescription and then later to pick it up) and forgot, all three times to get one item I needed from there.   Blah.


  1. That poor boy of yours sure has had his share of pain this year! I hope he recovers quickly!
