Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Better day.

The boy feels better today.  He's been playing guitar hero and eating mashed potatoes and cream of broccoli soup and apple sauce.  He's felt good enough to get on Facebook and go to youth group and see his friends who were all very surprised to see him.  He doesn't feel great of course, but better. At least with this surgery, he can still walk.  I told him to make this his last surgery for a while, at least.  You know some people live their whole lives without going under the knife.   One good thing about all this is that he is getting over his needle phobia somewhat.  He took his IV like a man yesterday, or so I hear, since I got to stay in the waiting room this time.  :-)

Tomorrow, the 2 younger kids have their well-child-checks but at least one of them is not all that well.  The girl has a sore throat and a headache, so the girl will be getting the swabs tomorrow, strep and flu, throat and nose.  Fun, fun, fun.  

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