Saturday, March 05, 2011


Grocery day, work day, catch up on a bunch of things I needed to do day - that's what today was.  This evening, I've made a blackberry-raspberry gluten free cobbler and I'm re-reading a good book that is like an old friend.  It's nice.  We did have a little school work going on around here today because the youngest (who else?) didn't do all of his schoolwork and was planning to do his math on Friday, but then we canceled school on Friday ... Anyway, it was due on Wednesday so I told him last night that he needed to have a little talk with his math teacher, Dad.  He and Dad worked out a deal so that if he got his math done by 5:00 pm today, he could have screen time.  So there was math going on here this afternoon.  Meanwhile, my daughter and I went to Walmart, the grocery, Goodwill, the post office and to get gas.  We looked at Walmart for embroidery thread, which is my daughter's latest interest and they didn't have any.  The cashier said that they are scaling back their craft department.  :-(   So now, we'll have to find a place to buy it.  It's funny because we were looking to buy thread for a 4H project and the lady who checked us out at Walmart said we should look into joining 4H ... just one of those funny coincidences.

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