Tuesday, March 08, 2011

My day didn't start out so well.

They were having computer problems at my work, due to moving the office and it was affecting everyone.  I was not able to access the patient census or the doctor's list and it was very frustrating.  I worked an extra hour and still did not make my line count today.  Anyway, those problems should be resolved soon, it was just one of those things.   After work, I came back home, picked up my daughter and took her to 4H.  We had the meeting in this humongous old house with 12 (at least) feet tall ceilings and an antique spiral staircase, which we got to explore a bit which was very fun.  The kids were painting a barn quilt for a family in the county, which was an interesting 4H project, so my day and my mood got somewhat better.  Now, we have just finished having dinner and we are going to sit down together (the kids and I) and watch a little bit of Monk.  We love that show and we're getting all the seasons on Netflix right now.

*I tried to post this on Monday evening, but it didn't post so here it is on Tuesday morning.

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