Sunday, March 13, 2011


S - Sunday School
U- Unbelievably beautiful weather.
N- No-one had to work and no school.
D- Dogs ate my french fries when I was outside looking in my husband's car for ketchup.
A- A little bit of housework and then visitors. 
Y- Youth group.

It was a pretty nice day. :-)


  1. I love it when you do these. Sorry I am laughing at the dog eating your french fries. One time when we had Subway, my mom ate half her sandwhich and wrapped the rest for later. She left it on the table. Our dog, got on the table, ate the sandwhich, leaving the pickles and oinons perfectly untouched!

  2. I had to check and make sure it was the dogs, who were back down on the floor looking innocent. I went and questioned all 3 kids!
