Friday, March 11, 2011

First of all,

I cannot believe that is is already March 11.  March is almost half over! How did this happen?  The refinance thing we were going to do is not done.   I'm working on being busy, without actually accomplishing anything much, it seems.  This little gluten free book that I was going to knock out in a couple of weeks in November is still with me.  Right now I'm trying out all the recipes.  I've got one in my crock pot right now, meatloaf.  I made meatloaf yesterday and the kids said it needed more ketchup and less onions and then proceeded to eat the entire thing.  I don't have a meatloaf recipe, really.  After I got married, I called my mom to ask her for recipes and all of hers were "a little of this and a little of that" kind of recipes with no specific amounts on anything.  That is the way I cook most of the time, unfortunately, so if someone really likes something I've made, I have to say, "Enjoy it because there's no way I can ever repeat it!"   Since I have went gluten free, I have made more of an effort to cook with recipes, because without gluten, recipes are just different.  You need things like xanthan gum and rice flour, things most cooks have never heard of, much less used so much they are comfortable with just throwing some in, plus they are so expensive, you don't want to waste any!  Right now, with trying to put some of my standard recipes in the book, I find that I have to cook them and folow the recipe exactly to see how they turn out.  I've got to do my chicken rice soup, my vegetable soup and a couple of others soon, to see how they turn out after I've done my best to write them down in some kind of readable fashion.

So anyway, with all the sickness, the 4 4H meetings this week to work on a special project (for the girl's needleworking class), the schooling, the work, the cleaning and discovering my joy in reading again, that's what I'm working on this week.

1 comment:

  1. I'm exhausted just reading about it. How do you keep up with it all? Phew.

    I have a great meatloaf recipe, but it isn't gluten free. Let me know if you're interested. ;o)
