Saturday, February 12, 2011

Random Saturday Thoughts.

We had a good time at the valentine party yesterday.  It was very low key.  The kids played and talked and did Mad Libs while the mom's sat and talked.  It was good to be out and about.  After the party, I wasn't really going to make the kids do school.  I mean, according to one of the public school kids on Facebook, the public schoolers spent yesterday sitting in a circle talking about things they love (???) anyway, so I figured it wouldn't hurt my kids to miss the afternoon stuff.  I had to go back to my mom's house to finish my medical transcription for the day so I asked the kids if they wanted to just go with me or if they wanted me to take them home.  They said "We've got to go home so we can do school!" and what did I say?  "Oh yeah, that's right."  = D  After we got home yesterday they began working on American History, using the DVD "The Story of Us".  It's interesting so far.  They finished the biology DVD.  I need to find some good Biology printables to do a review and some history printables to reinforce what they are learning for the younger 2.  My older son already has an American History text that he is working through.

So today, I'm working on medical transcription and they are working on the house to get it ready for the refinance.  I'm very happy about that although it might not show.  I've been fighting a mighty battle with the blues all winter and I have been crabby as a baseline, not as an exception, which is my usual.  :-(     I do still have my sense of humor, thank God, because it helps.  Yesterday I got a good laugh out of my spellchecker wanting to change the word disease to daisies so that the sentence would read "An MRI was ordered by infectious daisies."  :-)


  1. Ah least DAISIES bring a smile to your face!

  2. We are really enjoying "America, Story of Us" dvd also.
    Hope with the warmer weather coming soon that your blues move on! Better days are coming!!!

  3. Is there an immunization against those things? EEP.

    Grumpy has been my baseline this winter too. SIGH.
