Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day.

I got my present today ... my husband washed dishes and worked on the house.  This is my version of chocolate and flowers.  :-)   The house is a construction zone right now and I have the laundry room floor to ceiling shelves in the middle of my living room, but I don't care.  It's getting done.  Due to work and other things, I was gone most of the day and came home to my youngest with a fever of 101ish.   I let my homeschooling group know that we won't be coming to the field trip tomorrow and there were several other people in the group that were sick, so it ended up being canceled.  Oh well.  We were hit and miss with school today.  The oldest 2 kids did their assignments, but the youngest took a sick day.  I guess 2 out of 3 isn't bad?  I've made a note of his missing a day in my planning book/calendar but I don't know if I'll make him make it up.  It's just one day after all.  Everybody takes a sick day every now and then.  I just hope no one else in the house catches it! 

And in other news, we got a new cat.   My brother's cat was having some behavior-in-the-house issues and so now he is going to live with us, but outside, since we live far away from busy roads and have cat allergies.  :-)   His name is Abner.  So far, he's settling in pretty well but we'll see, I guess. 

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