Saturday, February 05, 2011

No Snow.

It did not snow at all.  It rained.  You'd think that people who make their living predicting weather would have more of a clue than they do.  I have to maintain 98% accuracy on my job.  I wonder what their accuracy ratings are?  10%.?  Of course, in all fairness, I don't have to predict what the doctor will say before he says it. :-P  That would make it kind of difficult.

Anyway, I feel bad that we made the kids miss the concert last night.  There's always next year, I guess.  :-(


  1. I'll ship you a box of snow. We have plenty of extra. :)

  2. You know, I appreciate the thought, but I think that I've had enough snow for one winter. I was just annoyed that they predicted snow 70% and we canceled our plans and then it rained.

    Thanks anyway, maybe next time. ;-P

  3. So sorry y'all missed the concert! How about if I send you some of OUR weather......mid 50s yesterday & today. It's awesome!! Of course they are saying we have a chance of some snow on Thurs....but hey, I'm enjoying the sun today!
